Welcome! My name is Allison though most people call me Allie and this is my "shrine to me" page - full of a random assortment of my thoughts and descriptions. I am in my middle twenty's (which is my way of saying 26 as of this past April) and I don't have any children, but I would like them someday. I am not married though I look forward to the day when I am. I have many interests, some of which are...reading, writing, web design (really?), hiking, camping, stargazing and playing around with the Ren Faire. That includes wearing long gowns that most women find annoying or OLD FASHIONED. I however love them.
My pet peeves are rather small... or at least I think that they are. I only have 3 really. 1) I get annoyed when people don't finish their sentances. I can't really explain why but it bothers me. 2) I hate being talked down to. I am an intellegent, thinking and learning adult. I may not see the world the same way as other people do but I am always willing to look at things in a new light. The problem comes when people try to show me the "new light" do so in a manner that all but shouts "My way is the right way" or "How could you possibly have missed "x" thing?". Don't treat me like a child and don't assume you are alway right. 3) Perfection. For one little word there is a lot of annoyance tied up in it. I don't like perfection. I don't strive to be perfect (in any way)... and I don't like being around people who try for it in their own lives. Humanity is a wonderful complex thing. We were created imperfect and I think we should glory in it. I think people put to much stress of perfecting themselves and forget how to forgive themselves when they inevitably fail (or how to ask for forgivness of others!). More than that when you forget how to forgive yourself for your own imprefections... you tend to forget how to forgive others for their imperfections. I find the lack of forgivness in this world very sad. I wonder if things like suicide would not be less if society as a whole was okay with being imperfect...
Speaking of perfect imprefection - I think one of my favorite things about camping is when I wake up with the dawn. When I get the time to camp I like to go to the Rocky Mountains. Nature is never perfect - yet often is described as being so. Allow me to try to describe one of my memories... As the dawn edges up over the mountains and filters into my tent I am woken by the simple and elegant symphony of Nature. There is a mountain stream a few yards away to the right of the tent that babbles out its greetings as it tumbles down the mountain. Between the stream and me is the firepit. I can still smell the soft scent of wood smoke that lingers in the clearing. I open the tent and look out. Singing sweetly from the branches of the aspen tree's are small birds. I am not sure what kind of bird they are. Wild flowers are just beginning to open their petals, and the sun shines through the aspen leaves, edging them with a soft glow. A fresh breeze whispers through the clearing and the plants seem to wave good morning to me.
I once had someone ask me to write a little about my hopes and dreams for the future. I don't quite know where to start, but I guess would have to say that one of my dreams is finding my soul mate. I don't think people should ever settle for anything less and unfortunately it seems that a lot of people do. I want to be adored and cherished (to steal words from my mother)and I want to be able to cherish and adore him back. I want someone I can share my dreams and my fears with, someone who will love me for all of me, someone who will want to raise a family with me. One of the things I have run into is a certain lack of respect because of my body type. I am very curvy, and some people seem to think that means I don't have any brains in between my ears. I want to be seen and loved for who I am on the inside. I figure my soul mate is a man who understands that outer beauty can fade with age and that it is the inner beauty that is worth more than can ever be described. I am sure there are more eloquent words to use to describe my soul mate, but I think I will leave it as is. Perhaps later I will rewrite it
I long to be a mother. I would love to raise two girls... maybe a boy, though I have no real expiriance with little boys - actually I should say that I would love to raise two (or more) healthy babies and sex doesn't really matter. I long to watch them grow, learn and become adults. I can't begin to explain it. The words escape me.
07/11/2000 As some of you may know I have a tendancy to write up journal pages whenever I feel like shareing my thoughts on something. *glances into the journal* hmmmm good grief! It's been a VERY long time since I posted in here. *rolls eyes* I'll be updating that very soon!
I have been described as brash, outgoing, irresponsible at times, unpredictable, loyal, tender hearted and most of all a free spirit. I tend to have a rather sarcastic sense of humor, but I am sure you have not noticed it right?
As far as my spiritual beliefs go I am very spiritual and current follow the Catholic faith. I have a rather oddly blended philosophy on life. It all comes from my attempts to understand life and my study of different cultures. As such it has a habit of changing almost daily it sometimes seems. That is not to say that I have anything to do with the Devil. As a matter of fact He and everything He stands for can stay FAR FAR away from me. It simply means that I have an open mind and though I believe being Catholic is the best path for me, I don't believe it is the best path for everyone. I do not think there is a "ONE TRUE WAY", in any aspect of life. Truth is in the eye of the beholder. What I find to be true may not be the same as what you find to be true.
If you want to chatter with me, want to know more about me or just an interesting person in general e-mail me.
I also wanted to say thanks to the two people who have helped me out the
most in learning how to build web sites. Michael and Pam...you are the best!
Both of these people have web sites which I hope to set up links to once
I get their permission...
This picture is of my niece Anna and I this past summer! Isn't she cute?!?
ICQ#: 41084456
AIM: Tersanica
MSN: Tersanica
This is my current on-line RPG character picture, Rhyana. The love of her life, and adventureing partner is the elven warrior/mage Da'leran. Though they have recently become engaged no dates have been set.
As promised! Here is My Photographic Profolio
As you finish reading your short glimpse of the mind behind this world you notice Rhyana standing next to you looking at her picture. "I can't stay with you right now. I was just checking to see if you were enjoying your visit." Before you can answer her however she walks off muttering under her breath that she really must see about getting a new picture of her and Da'leran together.
You attmept to follow her but within moments you find yourself hopelessly lost. Looking to your right you notice a room that appears to be a nicely appointed sitting