Though you find the sitting room to be very welcoming, full of a soft couches, heavy velvet drapes, beautiful tapestries and walls lined with hundreds of books, you also realise that if you ever hope to find your way out of here you will need to find someone who can give you directions. Even a servant will do. As you turn to leave this room in hopes of finding said person, a small kitten comes dashing through the door. She obviously does not see you as she is running straight for your legs. At the last possible moment she notices you, and tries in vain to stop her headlong rush, ending up bumping into your legs anyway.

“OH! Now that was not very fun!” As you stand there looking at her, getting over the shock of a talking kitten, you notice that she appears to be a Persian. With long silver colored fur, and bright green eyes that twinkle mischiviously. She strikes you as being very cute. She wears a jewel collar that seems to look more like a necklace than a collar.

“I am sorry that I ran into you. Mommy says that I am not supposed to run when I am inside…” her voice is slightly high pitched and sweet sounding.

“And now you know why I say that. Tersa when are ever going to learn…” You turn around and watch Rhyana enter the room from a door you had not seen before. “I was on my way to a meeting…”

“MOMMY” having managed to untangle herself from your legs she launches herself into Rhyana’s arms purring loudly. Rhyana catches her with an ease that speaks of long practice. “Tersa darling, how many times do I have to tell you I am not your mother?”

“But…but… you love me, feed me, play with me, and even get mad at me. Just like a mommy. So you must be a mommy. My mommy.” She smiles brightly.

Rhyana glances at you with a pained expression and mutters “How can you beat kitten logic?” She sighs and motions for you to take a seat on one of the many comfortable looking couches. “I suppose the meeting can wait a few moments for a short visit. I always arrive far to early anyway.” She settles herself on a couch just across from you, after making sure her wings are safely out of the way. “I suppose you are wondering just who I am here, and how a Feary…” she reaches up to brush her hair aside and you notice her sharply pointed ears. “…Ended up with white feather wings.” She smiles softly.

“I suppose I should give you a little background on Shadrian. I am the co-ruler of this world. My title is King Rhyana.” She laughs kindly at the look of confusion on your face. “Here the title of King does not mean that one is married to the Queen, or that one is male. Rather it is a birth right. A man or a woman can hold my position just as either one can hold the Queen’s position. The Queen is usually far more in the public’s eye, while as King I am often left with keeping her organized and trying to keep the High Council calm. And between you and me, I think I rather prefer my position.”

Her voice grows thoughtful. “Our world is a gate world if you will. Many other realms border Ours through the Feary Mists and each day, there are new supplicants wishing to find peace and safe harbor here, or at the Refuge. As I am sure you will understand not all worlds the border ours are friendly. Many are not evil but are afraid...though afraid of what I sometimes do not understand. Perhaps it is the magic that makes this world, and yes even theirs, possible. As such the high council is often stressed with trying to handle all the immigrants. Most of our imagrants are mythics that have been mistreated, or are fleeing before they become mistreated. Even Tersa here is a mythic." She smiles sadly. "So far in all my travels into the mists I have never found another one of her kind. She is a shapechanger. But unlike most her talent is not a under willing control. She only changes her shape when she becomes angry..." She shakes her head gently and continues her explination "Because My country is a gate world, you will only find the royal family and warriors here. All other imagrants pass on to The Refuge, where Lady MystWyng the Silver can care for them. Tersa usually lives at the Refuge as I am commonly gone for one reason or another. Perhaps you will visit her there sometime."

“Mama? You did not tell him why you have wings…” Tersa chirps from her spot on Rhyana’s lap. Tersa looks at you and smiles sweetly “Mama is special because very few Feary’s ever have wings!” She laughs with childish delight as Rhyana tickles her sides.

“Yes that is true. The reason is actually in two parts. The first of which is an accident. Remember how I said that being King is a birth right? Well I did not mean something that is past from parent to child. Rather it is a random force, which causes a person to be born with a gift for empathy. The empathy is not what caused me to have wings; rather it was the reason behind the accident that caused me to have wings. See about a day before I was born my father attempted a rather potent flight spell that my empathy linked with. The spell and my empathy combined and I was born with wings. In time I learned to fly, and about 3 years ago I finished training for the position of King. One of the hardest jobs with being the King is keeping all our alliances straight!" her chuckles hold a certain warmth that tells you how much she loves her life. "I wish that I had the time to explain why The Refuge and I are allies, but perhpas if you visit that world you can ask Mysty yourself...” Here eyes open wide “Speaking of time I have that meeting to get to!” Standing quickly she motions toward the door she entered through. "The way out is through there...Tersa you need to come with me today. I can't have you causing more trouble!" She smiles kindly at you and hurry’s off with Tersa running behind her.
