
My personal Portfolio

My photographic protfolio

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04/22/03- Well here we go! I kept saying I would get these pictures up here and now I finally have! I am starting with some of the photos I took while on vacation in Ireland. I did many things including touring Giant's Causeway, NewCastle and went on a Black Taxi Tour. The tour was driven in a mostly Catholic neighborhood hence why most of my photos represent that.

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Day at the Beach
Giant's Causeway
Irish Coastline

Irish Countryside
Irish Village houses in NewCastle
NewCastle Beach
Another Shot at NewCastle Beach
St. Anne's Cathedral in Belfast

Stone Church
Another Mural
Catholic Memory Plaque
Mural in Catholic Area
Mural of Bobby Sands the first man to die (and leader of) the POW Huger Strikers.

Mural in Protestant Section - this one was freaky!  When the taxi driver took us past it, it looked like the gun was following you.
Plastic Bullet Mural showing people, mostly children, who have been killed by plastic bullets.