
My personal Portfolio

My photographic protfolio

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04/23/03- Here is a series of photos that I took near Pelican Beach on Sunday Feb 02. If I am in the photo then my friend Garrett took. Otherwise they are all mine (oh yes and I took the close up of my face)

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Day at the Beach
Guess Who!
Looking over the bluff

Cliffs and waves
Low tide rocks
Sand Piper (how cute!)
Gentleman Seagull
Lady Seagull - I think she might have been on a nest.

Sail Boat.  I took this for my Mom because she and Richard used to love to sail.
This was a random little girl that I saw through my camera lens... I happened to get lucky with the quality of the photo.
The setting sun painted a beautiful sky.
Taken moments after the first
Breathless beauty.

How lovely a way to end the day.
My favorite of all the sunset pics.
Bright Sunny Day.
A tiny little sea urchin that Garrett found and photographed in a tide pool.